Welcom - Maczek Pantser Soldaten

1e Poolse Pantserdivisie
They fought for their and our freedom
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Hall of Fame Polish soldiers of the 1st Polish Armored Division under the command of General Stanislaw Maczek, 1944.                                                                                                                                                     
Hall  of Fame of the soldiers of the 1st Polish Armored Division led by  General Stanislaw Maczek. There were 16,500 who fought with him against  the German occupation army, dreaming of returning to their homeland in  peace after being away from home for 5 long years. But the Yalta  conference decided otherwise, the Russians were in control in their  beloved homeland. Those who returned to their homeland in 1947 after the  disbandment of the 1st Polish Armored Division were seen as traitors,  got bad jobs or even ended up in prison. Others were admitted to the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Great Britain and many roamed all over the world,  where a family and a new life were built. A few have been named in this  hall of honor. Their battle cry was "For Your and Our Freedom" we got our freedom through their intransigence fighting the Second World War,  but they didn't get that in their beloved homeland Poland either. That  lasted until the 1980s when that only became a reality to return in  complete freedom.
My name is Albert Bugaj and eldest son of George Bugaj  ex-combatant of the 1st Polish Armored Division. I made this website in memory of these brave soldiers who fought for the freedom of Europe in  the Second World War, but also to liberate their homeland from the  Germans. Unfortunately, Roosevelt and Churchill decided in Yalta, that  Stalin was in charge in Poland, Poland was being squandered. As a  result, many Polish soldiers did not return to their beloved Homeland  where they were seen as traitors fighting with the Allies. many returned  to the Netherlands, Belgium, England, France and even overseas to New  Zealand, Austalie and America to build a life there.
If  there are still children or grandchildren of Polish veterans of the 1st  Polish Armoured Division led by General Stanislaw Maczek, who would  like to see a photo with details of your father or great-grandfather in  this Honorary Gallery, can send an e-mail to: webmaster@maczekpantsersoldaten.nl
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